Un événement

GDR Sécurité Informatique Région Hauts de France

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Université de Lille CRIStAL
Minmax Restless Bandits for Efficient Moving Target Defense
Pierre Charreaux  1@  , Alexandre Reiffers-Masson  1@  , Françoise Sailhan  1@  , Sandrine Vaton  1@  
1 : Equipe Math & Net
Laboratoire des sciences et techniques de l'information, de la communication et de la connaissance

The static configuration of networks (including security-related tools) gives attackers a significant advantage. To address this issue, we propose a Moving Target Defense (MTD) that introduces changes in the virtual network configuration and disrupts the attacker's exploration phase. In particular, we formalise MTD as a restless bandit problem, considering IP and port shuffling.

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